
1. The smog is severe!
2. When the pollution gets really serious, I can't even see the buildings next to me.
3. I'm very concerned about my son's health. If the air pollution stays like this, he won't ever be able to leave the house.
4.为人民服务 (serve for the people) 成了“为人民服雾” (smog for the people) 。
5.君子以厚德载物 (gentle man should hold the outer world with broad mind) 也只好成了“厚德载雾” (gentle man should hold the smog world with broad mind) 。
6. Strong cold air is in the forecast to blow away the smog.
7.世界上最远的距离不是生死两隔,而是我在长安街上握着你的手却看不到你的脸。 (The longest distancein the world is not between life and death,but between you and me when I hold your hand in the street but cannot see your face.)
8.浓霾重雾两茫茫,没商量,gray town,千里昏黑,everything's gone。纵使咫尺不相见,尘满面,Sing sad song。昨夜幽梦忽还乡,彩云南,Hear trun,最心伤,only tears down。安得天下肺安康,盼大风,Oh!Come on。

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