

Hi, everybody…so aah, I am Irish…I read a report saying that a man reach their sexual peak at the age of 18…but I didn't know this, until I was 25…so the world will never knew what a stud I was…nobody took a bite out of this peach when it was ripe…


I am not good at sports, but I love parallel parking…because unlike sports…whenever parallel parking, the worse you are…the more people they have rooting for you…


解释:parallel parking是美国考驾照路考的一个部分,意思是平行停车,就是让你把车停到平行的车的后面。

I am an immigrant…and I used to drive this used car with a lot of bumper stickers that impossible to peel it off…and one of them said …if you don't speak english…go home…and I didn't know this for two years…


I tried really hard to become anUScitizen, and I had to take thisAmericahistory lessons…

where they ask us questions like… who's Benjamin Franklin…well, I like aah…the reason our convenience store gets robbed…what's the second amendment…well, I like aah…the reason our convenience store gets robbed…what's the row (Roe) vs Wade…like aah…two ways of coming to the united states…

我曾经很努力的想成为美国公民,为此我不得不去上美国历史课。课堂上他们问我,本杰明·富兰克林是谁?呃,我就说,这就是我们便利店被抢的原因……宪法第二修正案是什么……呃,这就是我们便利店被抢的原因……Roe vs. Wade是什么……我当时想……来美国的两种方法么?



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